Hi, I am Allainclair
A software engineer from Brazil with about nine years of experience. Since my adolescence, I am a computer enthusiast; I was amazed by the internet, I built some websites, played games, and met people from many places. Before the internet, our reach was too limited; after, unlimited. Since that time, I follow every day, the path to becoming a better tech professional. I have a computer science background, and I have achieved significant professional positions so far. I thank my family and all people responsible for this.
Brazil's Economic Indexes
econ.allainclair.com (pt-BR) I have created and maintained this website for Brazil’s economic indexes. At the moment, the website shows only the ”inflation” index for the current and past month, 3, 6, and 12 months accumulated rolling, and year to date. It is in pt_BR.
Real State Maringá
rs1.allainclair.com (pt-BR) is a personal project to show real state of the city of Maringá, PR, Brazil. It brings and update around 20,000 records every day to show real state in a map.
Professional experience
New England Center for Children
Software Engineer
We design, create, and maintain ed-tech apps. I have been working on creating Python 3 FastAPI/Quart services with MySQL to manage data.
Backend Software Engineer
Designing, creating, and maintaining a backend service to integrate load boards across North America.
Software Engineer
Trust and Safety Tools Team: we provided tools to keep Pinterest trusty and safe. We developed and maintained web tools to assist agents in fast-track trust and safety issues and solve them.
Ads interface and Growth Team: we provided monitoring and alerting tools to improve observability on Ads Interface & Growth systems. We worked and developed time-series dashboards for monitoring, alerting and reporting; Google Chrome extension to check API requests miss behavior.
Backend Software Engineer
We created screening processes for new employees, and we also helped some colleagues with mentorships. I interviewed many candidates to be Python-focused software engineers.
Maringá State University
Assistant Professor
I ministered the following subjects: • Algorithms and Data Structures • Relational Database • Multi and Hypermedia Systems • Algorithm Analysis and Graph Theory • Object-Oriented Programming.
Tech Lead & Data Scientist
We assembled an entire smart traffic light (STL) that can sense streets using cameras and act (open/close) autonomously. Our main achievements were when I led software engineers, we created STL hardware and software controllers, traffic simulators for traffic optimization, and dashboards.
We created a traffic simulator using SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility). Our main algorithm on this simulator had 200% to 400% waiting time optimization on light to medium vehicle traffic. We also deployed our STL in four real crossing roads. To achieve this, we had to: • Do researches in traffic optimization area by using smart traffic lights • Design and develop optimization algorithms for smart traffic lights • Design and create an embedded distributed real-time systems for the STL with a microservice architecture.
Data Scientist
We created security systems to advise our clients on assurance issues. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to filter, train, classify, and cluster social media messages. This way, we could alert our clients if something unusual was happening.
State University of Maringá
Master's degree in Computer Science
Thesis: Algorithms based on Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) metaheuristic applied in the Bus Driver Schedule Problem.
State University of Maringá
Bachelors's degree in Computer Science
Thesis: A genetic algorithm for the Feedback Arc Set Problem.